Lightning Jacks Bar And Grill
2801 Mountain Rd
Pasadena, MD 21122
Anne Arundel County
Phone: (410) 437-6722
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Pearlene Jess on
Mint is a nice place to hang out. The drinks are just ok, but the atmosphere is nice if you're into trying new things. The food is pretty good too. It's a great place to go with a group of friends if you enjoy lounging, hookah and some good music.
by Argentina Pagett on
This is the most ridiculous waste of decent space that I have ever been too.  The decor is a bit over the top but it would be ok if anything else had an edgy match.  The food is small in portions but big in price.  The club is overhyped (by management only).  Don't even make the mistake of calling to inquire about hosting a large party here from your cell phone or you will be put onto an automatic text messaging BS scam the second they register your number. Valet parking???  In a parking lot that has ample spots and only shares the space with an In and Out burger??? Really? Dress code?  What!?!   This isn't the Sunset strip.  Cluster F@#K pretty much all around. You guys gotta a good thing going if you can turn it around and make it about the quality of the food and the ambience that surrounds you.
by Eric A. on
Last night, August 20th, a man is in the hospital. Another went home covered in his own blood. And I was sucker punched in the jaw by a man twice my size. All because of one place. The Hollywood Studio Bar & Grill at the Gower Gulch. That's Gower and Sunset on the East side of Hollywood. They continue to run the same events that bring around people who continue to jump random and defenseless people in the parking lot for the crime of walking to their cars alone. The establishment accepts no accountability when a man is locked in their bathroom with five people who beat the holy hell out of him for twenty minutes then go back out to party more. They offer no assistance to the police when patrons of their establishment shoot at some one and the bullets go through the walls of the businesses next door, just barely missing perfectly innocent patrons and employees inside. They lie and obscure truths to keep their clientele who are known to pay them off in a fashion practically akin to reverse "Protection" money. They tell the police there were no problems when asked about fights in their establishment where a man is beaten so badly he can't remember anything that happened for almost the last three months. This is only a small gathering of the problems they cause. The crimes they commit and support. Anyone who works at a business in the Gulch, or is a customer of those others businesses, can corroborate these statements. Denny's, Starbucks, Amagi, Rite Aid, ToGo's... check with any of these places. You'll hear stories of employees threatened and assaulted with no recriminations. The police do nothing. Repeatedly they've come out and seen people covered in blood, taken away in ambulances, or in severe cases, near death. So, the only option we are apparently left with is economical. Boycott the place. Tell your friends. Do not go there, do not play shows there. Repost this everywhere you can. They are a cancer on Hollywood, and they need to stop being supported by our money. Thank you for your time. -Eric Altman
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