Lilac City Figure Skating Club
6321 North Addison Street
Spokane, WA 99208
Spokane County
Phone: (509) 483-7385
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Alice C. on
When I come here for the dancing, usually, the hot mess express comes to town.  But in the best way possible. After a night of partying here, a friend of mine may or may not have come out with bruises from a pole upstairs.  (I hope they still have said poles after they remodeled.) Overall, a fun place to hang out, decent drinks, and great dancing.  For the most part, worth the $10 cover. I will say though, I hope they get better DJ's!  I was there a few weeks on a Saturday, and was actually pretty disappointed.  He was all over the place in terms of genres, but in a schizophrenic kinda way, and there were several moments where the music just stopped. It's actually more fun to dance in the other rooms, but I hope that changes, and they bring in some DJ's who inspire you to get down with your bad self! P.S. Added bonus: On weekends, there are always Mission Dog carts outside this place.  It's like they know me.
by Ralph Shortsleeve on
At 9pm when I was waiting for my table in the bar area, I felt like I was in one of the hottest night spots in Manhattan. The house beats were loud, but not too loud where I couldnt talk to my friends and the drinks were reasonably priced and strong for a place with the allure of Tao. If you make a reservation at 8:30, I wouldnt plan to get seated before 9:30 on a Saturday night. Who cares, this place is amazing. Once seated, you feel like you are a famous person. The huge Buddha is the centerpiece of the two level, atrium style restaurant. The service was great and the food was delicious. I would reccommend the Thai Crab Cakes and Orange chicken to start, then the Chef's Roll and take a look at the specials for Sushi. Of course - a few rounds of sake is always an element of a successful Japanese insipired night out - great pregame for the rest of the evening! PS - As for ICE CREAM inside the giant fortune cookie for dessert! If not, it comes with some weird frosting stuff...
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