by Michael H. on My friend wanted to hang out in WeHo, but I really didn't feel like hanging out at the Abbey this night, so we headed to Eleven. We had gotten to Eleven around midnight after having drinks at Fiesta. Luckily we knew one of the guys there, so we didn't have to wait in the long line, he just let us right in, and we didn't have to pay for the cover. I was thrilled that it was Britney night, and couldn't wait to see the show upstairs. Some of the girls I was with wanted to get some drinks first, so we all ordered a round of drinks. I ordered a vodka/redbull w/ cranberry (my usual), and took a huge GASP when the bartender said it was $11. Wait a second, I just paid $5 for two drinks at Fiesta, WTH!?! Whatever, so that was my last drink for the night. After downing our drinks, we made it upstairs to get a good view of the performers. The music was really good this night, since DJ Ray Rhodes was doing his thing that night. It turns out that it also was a Monster/Tigerheat night. After being pushed an shoved like it was black Friday at Walmart, we made it outside since I needed to breathe! All the smokers hang out on the patio, but we needed to relax for a bit, and sober up some of the people we were with that night.
by Allan Helm on I came here for an Ozomatli concert promoting their Street Signs CD. They sucked, which is a shame because it's sad to see the great Ozo on the wane. The club is pretty cool, they have plenty of space and good ventilation and a good crowd. Come see a show here sometime.