Liquor Store
120 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02116
Suffolk County
Phone: (617) 357-6800
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Hours: unknown
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by jackie O. on
The Avalon is where dreams comes true this place always ends up with an amazing adventure or story. I have been a fan of this venue for many years now and it's in a neat location to experience music even for dancing as I experienced Saturday night to see the french dj- Miss Kittin. The club setting is very different from the concert style but I enjoyed it none the less with help of boooze of course. The club atmosphere is like a mini rave because well mostly everyone who is on the dance floor past 2am is most likely drugged out on E or something lovely. So booze stops being served after 2am b/c of the laws but if you want a small bottle water, gatorade, or red bull each will set you back $5!!! And if you ask for water at the bar when they still are serving booze they will charge you a few my advice is just to ask for a cup of ice and chew on the cubes until they melt in your mouth haha. I know it sounds ghetto but it works especially when you are thirsty as heck and have no money to spare. Luckily around 3am I got lucky and met a nice wealthy fellow who bought us water and such things...phew. Okay so now onto the concert style...I remember the first time I went here was in 2003 and I came to see Rooney and The Sounds open up for them and I instantly liked this place because it was spacious and a fun place to see concerts. Years later I saw my fave band of all time THE HIVES and my gal pal and I actually waited out in the cold for like maybe 3 hours near the right alley which is on the side and got to meet the band!! A month later we got lucky with another Swedish band and got to meet The Sounds just by shear luck b/c one of the promoters came up to us and asked if we smoked so my friend said yeah next you know he gave us backstage passes haha. I must say the most interesting meet of all time was when we got to go backstage after the Louis XIV show and got to hang out in the vip room with all these hip n cool people including the boys of the band. The Avalon has always been good to me and I hope it will never get torn down b/c I would be devastated.
by Kittie Neeson on oo   oo oo   oo oo   oo oo   oo oo   oo ooo vv      vv vv    vv vv   vv vvvv vv v eeeee eeeee ee eeeee ee eeeee eeeee rrrrrr rr    rr rr    rr rrrrr rrr  rr rrr   rr rrr   rr rrrrrr rr    rr rr    rr rrrrr rrr  rr rrr   rr rrr   rr aaaa aaaaa aa   aa aa    aa aa     aa aaaaaa aaa   aaa ttttttttttttttt ttttttttttttttt ttt ttt ttt ttt ttt eeeee eeeee ee eeeee ee eeeee eeeee dddddd ddd   ddd ddd   ddd ddd   ddd ddd   ddd ddd   ddd dddddd this club reminds me of south beach miami but not really. LOL first and last time, not my steelo. wished they played good soulful house jazzy music there than top 40 and hiphop. crowd's pretty ghetto and what can you expect if it's sitting in the middle of the tenderloin. there's no way i'll be able to kick it there again...
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