Llamarada Night Club
731 32nd Street
Union City, NJ 07087
Hudson County
Phone: (201) 866-4487
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Ryan S. on
While I didn't think the pistachio was anything terribly spectacular, the thai coconut milk flavor was more than fantastic enough to make up for it - so much so that I'm desperately trying to find a way to get something similar back on the west coast. I also wished we had planned out our choices better - between the three of us I think we ended up with four flavors.  The dark chocolate was pretty good, but I'm not much of a fan of cold and chocolate together in the first place so I don't think I can make a fair judgment there.  We also tried pineapple mint, which might have been a limited-time-only deal. If you are lucky enough to stumble across it, though, I would highly recommend it.
by Evie Claypoole on
*** UPDATE  ***  I just spoke with one of the guys at Mighty b/c I thought I lost my keys.  Maybe my hangover left me delirious, but I had a really great time and the pizza, like I told him, wasn't Mighty's fault.   I think that they did a stellar time hosting all of us crazy rateclubsers and even though this place isn't my normal style, I stay far away from hetero bars as I possibly can, I enjoyed it.  Therefore, bumped them up to 5 star status.  Especially when the guy on the phone actually took time during my call to look for my keys and to ask my HONEST opinion about last night's event...Now ladies and gentlemen that is what I call service... ================================================== == I totally think that my partners in crime made the location. I swear that the reason why I was so drunk off my arse was because of Mikey.  Mikey made me do it and you, fellow rateclubsers, aided him! The drinks were strong, evidence is currently residing in the trash can near my bed, and the music was eh.  Alright, so I AM hard to please, sue me.  Luckily the bartender from NY was nice enough to ignore a shouting little Asian girl.  Bad Romi, very, very bad Romi!   Also to reiterate Amy, where was the pizza???  I got there at 8:30 and started searching around 8:45 and it was GONE!!! :)  P.S. - Bar is cash ONLY and there is an ATM machine right next to the exit...
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