Longhorn Bar
514 N Van Buren Ave
Elk City, OK 73644
Beckham County
Phone: (580) 225-6949
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by G. Wilfred B. on
Not really a fan. This place a really small, and it sucks even more if the crowd is wack, you would be stuck with a whole bunch of creepers. Great for private parties though. The inside looked nice but that doesn't even matter because the place is so small and crowded you would get tired of looking at the same thing. The house dj is from OK to good.
by Rodolfo Hermosillo on
I've been here a couple of times...I really just like bar gigs more though...I like to see the sweat dripping off a performers nostril without having to cash out my savings for a front row seat.
by Luigi Khlok on
Pretty ghetto, but I've actually been to worse. They have two bars, one in each of the two rooms. Supposedly they have another floor but I didn't get to make it there because I got kicked out. When you arrive there are fatty lines, presumably from the fact that all the party buses take everyone here I think. We got in fast, went up the stairs and headed straight towards the bar. I got approached by a drug dealer from Vallejo while there and on my way out of the bathroom, and let me mention how freakin dirty it was where I was trying to hold on to all walls so I wouldn't slip on the pee and excess tp on the floor, was I approached by a brotha who told me that I looked ballin' and I shoulf get him a drink. I don't know whether or not I shoulda laughed but anyhow I did. If it weren't for my friends I wouldn't have had fun. Crowd wasn't my type either.
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