Lonnie's Western Room
208 Printer's Alley
Nashville, TN 37201
Davidson County
Phone: (800) 687-4224
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: Send us an email
Hours: unknown
Lonnie's Western Room - About Us
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by Renee B. on
We were trying to find something to do one night so we drove through this area. While trying to find where to park without getting booted/towed, some guy gave us a flier to get into Sutra for free. Why not? I dont remember much about the music which means it probably sucked. It was a good mixed crowd with the younger people inside then we went outside where we found the older crowd. We left after about an hour or so. I will prob go park because we were able to park for free and get in free(if you cant tell, i love free entertainment)
by Burma Ogram on
LOVING the vibe and the food.  Lisle, Todd, and Blake - OWN IT.  Sweet Corn Pudding - put it in yo' pocket and snack on it before you go to bed - it's like CRACK-ATTACK.  French Toast Fois Grois - and I'm not even a liver fan.  Mac & Cheese - OH PUHLEEZ!  GO GO GO!
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