Los Caporales Night Club
4500 Northwest 6th Drive
Des Moines, IA 50313
Polk County
Phone: (515) 288-9917
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Los Caporales Night Club - About Us
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by Dustin D. on
I had never been into a whole food before this. This store is amazing. Are they all like this? My wife and I had a great time just walking around the place taking inventory on all they had to offer. The prices are fair if you know how to shop. My wife and I shop the perimeter of most grocery stores. This is the produce section, meat case, fish case, and bread. It's the stuff in the isles that will kill your budget. the products looked fresh and of great quality. The bread selection is insane. If I lived down the street I could see shopping here on a daily basis for meals. I recently downloaded the whole foods app on my I touch. I am looking forward to picking out a couple or recipes and using the shopping list feature to do our shopping. This place is a lot of fun.
by Edward Infantino on
LOVING the vibe and the food.  Lisle, Todd, and Blake - OWN IT.  Sweet Corn Pudding - put it in yo' pocket and snack on it before you go to bed - it's like CRACK-ATTACK.  French Toast Fois Grois - and I'm not even a liver fan.  Mac & Cheese - OH PUHLEEZ!  GO GO GO!
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