Los Tres 3 Aaa's
2115 South Wood Street
Chicago, IL 60608
Cook County
Phone: (312) 738-1285
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Carolyn S. on
There are many reasons I rate this flagship Whole Foods with five stars. Not only do they have the largest selection of foods, but they have an impeccable team to back up their passion for food. Every staff member, from the produce section to the gelato servers, is friendly, courteous, and knowledgeable of their food department. Once, when I asked one of their produce team members how to pick out a good tomato, he spent ten minutes showing me the different varieties of tomatoes, explaining how to choose a ripe one, and providing various ways to cook and use each kind! He isn't an exception -- he's a norm! From the Seafood Counter, to the Deli, and to the Bakery, every time I've had questions or asked for recommendations, I've been provided patient explanations and quality food choices. It's obvious these people are passionate about food! I also appreciate the clear labeling that Whole Foods provides, to help address those with food allergies or intolerances. They also offer Gluten-Free grocery tours for free! There are also weekly events in the store, such as free Beer or Wine tastings, live music on the patio, or Foodie Events featuring a specific food. I have their Calendar bookmarked on my browser! Of the abundant grocery stores available, shopping at Whole Foods is always a treat!
by Timika Mcdonald on
I really do love this place - chill and low-key, and not at all pretentious. The mussels look (& smell) wonderful, although I'm being naughty by reviewing even though I haven't probably eaten there in a decade. I recall their burger was excellent, though. I did find it annoying that their bathroom leaves a lot to be desired. I'll leave it at that.
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