211 East Main Street
Salem, VA 24153
Salem County
Phone: (540) 387-2686
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Macadoos - About Us
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Restaurant and Bar with large menu of overstuffed sandwiches, entrees, and gourmet desserts, and antique decor
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by shannon l. on
Just know that being on the guestlist doesn't mean you will get in, even if you get there early.  Even if he says they're at "maximum capacity", the meathead The-Rock-lookalike bouncer will let in all the skanks who beg by the side before anyone who properly waits in line.
by Bernadine Winsted on
every 3rd saturday is reggae gold...only nite to go. This location is good because it's got a huge bar, pool tables, and huge outdoor area with tacos. The outdoor area and pool tables are the best, the dancefloor is slightly elevated so it gets crowded and guys can get pretty aggressive, but they play good dancehall and reggae and sometimes some soca and reggaeton here those nites. Also they are open until 4 (bar closes at 2), which makes cover more worth it if you don't get a deal.
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