Mac's So K C Jazz & Blues
11816 Blue Ridge Boulevard
Kansas City, MO 64134
Jackson County
Phone: (816) 763-9400
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Alecia R. on
By far the worst club experience ever.. My friends an I were on the guestlist we were the 3 or 4 in line BUT ended up waiting an HOUR!!!! WTF!! All this place cares about is getting their $10 or $20 for addmission fee.. if your on the guestlist good luck getting in. After an hour of waiting we decided to go in the other line and just pay.. after the guy checked our IDs the girl at the counter also checks them to see if ur on the guestlist... since we were we still got in for free ... Should have just gotten into that line to begin with. It was about a 70/30 guy to girl ratio The only good thing about this place is that the bartenders seem very friendly :D Never again coming to this place they don't deserve half of the business they get.
by Richie Sievers on
I went to Reggae Gold last night and I have gone in the past to Oakland and SF and 3 stars for an international drama-free crowd that likes to dance.  My thighs are still recovering from 4 inch heels and lots of dancing.  I had an awesome time meeting tons of new people....educated & ethnic people...=-)  My favorite part of the evening is when I met a Sudan native and he told me that his entire family are healthy and well.  That touched my heart.  After years of fighting and raising awareness for Darfur I was so happy to meet someone from Sudan that was not tragically affected by the war on humanity there.   I danced the night away and had a blast with everyone I met.  I totally left my girlfriends that were sitting down mostly and made my own I usually do...hahahaha!  Love it.  Thanks Reggae Gold! One LOVE! Nice big venue with lots of seating inside and out.  Perfect!
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