Magoo's Restaurant
3658 Ringgold Road
Chattanooga, TN 37412
Hamilton County
Phone: (423) 867-1351
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Selena E. on
Nom! I've been eating at this location for more than 20 years. It still rocks!
by Nathalie Appelgren on
The Razz Room has great and unusual shows (live performers). I saw Coco Peru there one night and she gave us a great show. The Razz Bar (Lounge) is at the back of the hotel lobby and Mon-Fri from 4-6 all cocktails are half-price (and they don't use cheap well brands). Fridays can be quite crowded because it's a big "check-in" day for the hotel and if there is a show that night, the regulars usually arrive early to pick a good seat and therefore go to the lounge for cocktails while they wait for the doors to open. Bartenders Michael, Spencer or Nicole will be on duty depending upon the night and they are as friendly and efficient as you'll get anywhere. The lounge is small but it's quite luxurious in typical Nikko style. And the bonus is, I can shop Union Square and when I'm worn out...hit the Razz.
by Bryanna Wenstrand on
OMG...have you tried the desserts?  What in the hell is in that silky chocolate coffee love on a plate?!?! Nice decor as well.
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