by Lawrence T. on My mental notes for this Friday night out No way im goin to Cielo.... On our way to Cielo....... Wow long line........ Wow intense frisking.......Wow its crowded......Wow house music sucks........Wow this drink is small.....Hmmmm no liquor in it either........Wow this crowd is lame.....oh look fat girls dancing........Why is meatpacking filled with foriegners and tools?........Wow lots of strobe lights might have a seizure....Oh look the lead singer of PM Dawn is here....Getting pretty hot in here......Wow 2:30 why am i still here, Time to head out
by Garret Moster on Nice bar to go and hang out, You dont have to worry about it being crowded. The bartender was really nice and the drinks are inexpensive. I woudl recomend it to anybody who jsut likes to hang out with people and have a few drinks.
by Boyce During on 2 words.... SCORPION BOWL!!!! Other than that, I don't remember much of this place, other than being really drunk at the end of the night and smelling some awesome food that past me and getting the drunchies. Oh yeh and dancing with the lesbian rugby team that comes in here every year after their last rugby game. WOOO!!!!