Malebox Bar
3537 E 7 Mile Rd
Detroit, MI 48234
Wayne County
Phone: (313) 892-5420
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Jason B. on
I went with friends to Westgate Center after a mediocre dinner at Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville, we were wanting to check out the different bars in the center, and came upon McFadden's, it had a line, and it seemed to be happening, so we waited 5 minutes and got in, i was surprised i had to pay a $5 cover but i was okay with that and expected it to be crowded inside but was dismayed that it was only half full, it smelled like dried puke, and it was a total skeeze! ick! most of the crowd looked bad, and the bar girls in their skimpy outfits did not deserve to wear the outfit. Skimpy isn't bad as long as you fit the image, and these girls did not. Skimpy uniforms work in tempe and old town because you have women that look good for the most part. here the bargirls were tatted up and just didn't look right. Oh and what's with throwing napkins up in the air to act as confetti? it's stupid, and messy, and so the overall appearance of this bar is that it's dirty, with napkins on the floor, spilled beer, some weird funky pukey smell, and the oddest looking crowd. part of me wished i got my $5 back because that was a $3 experience or less. oh and the music was just bad. this is where djs with very little experience must play and practice their skills. so, to sum it up, it's a hole, and if this is one of the hottest spots Westgate has to offer then someone must have punk'd me coz this is a true joke.
by Patrick C. on
This was actually the first bar I went in on my 21st birthday.  But... it's just another bar on Bleecker.  Live music, booze, ambiguously named in a way that suggests it could be a gay bar. (Peculiar Pub, Wicked Willy's) A word of warning: if your friend pees in the sink while the bar's owner is in the bathroom, he will be kicked out.  But the owner will be pretty cool about it, all things considered.  I would give the place 2 stars, but that kicked it up to 3.
by Jame Lamarque on
people come for the music, the food, the drinks...the whole package! check out their dynamite schedule of performers...a lot of them the time you will find yourself enjoying the show even if you weren't familari with the artist beforehand.
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