Maple Leaf Inn
11 Arnold
Westfield, MA 01085
Hampden County
Phone: (413) 562-5068
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Britney S. on
Slide sucks! It's always crowded. It's so crowded that you can't even get a drink! We went there for my friend's B-Day. So, I was trying to get her a drink and one of the bouncers grabbed me and kicked me out! I left my tab open and couldn't even get my card until Tuesday. BTW, I had to take a day off from work to take care of that. Another time, I was going in to meet up with my friends but the bouncer pulled me out and made me wait for 20 minutes! Why? Because he was talking to some random Indian dude who was trying to get in! Hello! This is not a library. I felt very disrespected.
by Shonda Jeppson on
Last time I was here I went home barefoot. That was not the case last night. I went home early (2:30am) with all my belongings. The friends were going to the next party. I can not hang. I am unable to recall everything at this moment. The party was called Flow. I have no idea who was spinning. We left the party for about 1.5hrs. A long walk to meet a hippo. I had a few sips of Old English. The music was way too loud for me at one point. Or maybe I was dramatic. Or twisted. There is usually a bathroom attendant. There wasn't one last night and the bathroom was a holy mess. Yuck. If you know anything about me know this: I hate dirty restrooms, nasty commodes, water on the floor, paper towels tossed everywhere and surrounding a over flown trash can, etc. Now I understand why those powder puffers are in the bathroom. They are needed for my sanity. Once you're in - you are able to leave the party as you please. The outdoor area is in the parking lot. The parking lot is huge and muthafugg them with that $20 parking. It use to be $10. Last time we went it was $15. Now they're coming at us with that $20 crap. aw hecky nah. I hate that the hot dog vendor is right outside the party. I may update this if my memory is recovered. Most of the events of last night are unable to be retrieved.
by Kitty Blumenstein on
Several friends and I arrived here to have a few drinks at the bar before the Taste of Alhambra started. We started off with the Botana Plater appetizers and drinks. We all finished off the plater and drinks before that festival started. The appetizers were all great. We especially loved the bartenders who were very friendly and quite attentive. Definitely have to come back here.
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