by Jenna N. on BRUNCH!! When I say "BRUNCH!!" I really mean ALL YOU CAN DRINK ALCOHOL!! The food here is not that great. Tiny portions and food you can make at home. But who comes here for the food??! It's fun coming here every once in a while and being carried out at 1pm because you're too drunk to walk. I love the house music they play in the background. It's like being in a club with a bunch of cutie-booty gay boys and their fag-hags. Fun times!
by Willa Hand on Just visited this past weekend and it was really fun! That said, I don't think it would have been as fun w/o the bottle service table because it was crowded in the small space they let non-table holders stand. The female MC was great and it reminded me of Cirque here and there. There's some nudity so be prepared for that. All the people who worked there were really great, especially the door guy who helped us get cabs after a friend got sick. It's worth one trip at least once in your life in NYC!