Marlintini's Grill Inc
83 Mines Road
Blue Hill, ME 04614
Hancock County
Phone: (207) 374-2500
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Edwardo Abood on
Love this place get headlines Great sound! Use to be an old theater. there is alother club called Lot 46 which was basically the old smoking section for Ruby Skye. Pros- Big name DJ play here. Nice decor, Most people are mature and respectable, in and outs and no dress code! Trance and House music! cons- needs general seating area. Drinks are decent.
by Maxwell Pyscher on
---------- STRICTLY FOR THEIR NIGHTLIFE ---------- I don't know about you, but I avoid restaurants that turn into clubs at night. Something about having a meal where at night, scantily dressed women sway back and forth, spilling drinks, on the verge of vomiting, surrounded by men who smell of BO. No amount of bleach can ever cover that up. Thank You's: 1. Medjools architects: Thank you for building a very spacious restaurant/lounge, equipped with an awesome rooftop, one that I did not get to see this particular night. Spacious floors, each with seating. 2. Medjools bartenders: Thank you for being efficient - doesn't hurt that they were strong and pretty cheap too! No Thank You's: 1. To 99% of the Crowd This Particular Night: No thank you to most of you, especially that one random Indian guy who ran up to us and swore that we were "talking crap" about him. What a very UNIQUE pick up line. I laughed it off and asked if you could take a picture of us. You wouldn't unless we took one of you first. Sure! ... but its not by accident that I "forgot" to turn on flash and that the picture was black, crooked and of your shirt - maybe, I couldn't really tell. 2. To The Bouncers: No thank you, bouncer men, for being so bipolar. First, you were really nice to us but then, you were being jerks when you yelled at my friend for being too drunk. She was sitting on the couch (or ground, I forgot) but was in decent shape, I've seen worse!! Conclusion: I had a lot of fun here with my friends and the place was pretty nice. It's a shame we caught Medjools on an off night, it was pretty empty with a lame crowd. I'd come back here again though :)
by Paul S. on
This place is a real seedy shit-pit of a dive. That's why it's my cup of tea. The best thing is the large aquarium window facing the corner of Turk and Taylor. Through this window one can watch the motley assortment of Tenderloin denizens: booze-addled crazies, strung-out junkies, and septic prostitutes. The interior has all the accoutrements, aromas, and characters that one would expect. Make note of all the torn naugahyde barstools that constantly bleed out thier tired and crumbling cushions.
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