Martini Ranch
7295 East Stetson Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Maricopa County
Phone: (480) 970-0500
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Kelly E. on
i really want to like it here, it comes so close to being likable, but then it fails miserably. firstly, its disgustingly crowded here. you can almost never find a place to sit unless it's raining and even when you do it's sort of uncomfortable with people's butts in your face and practically sitting on your shoulder waiting for you to get up. it's also a bit of a shit show. it's like being at one of those really quick takeout counters, throwing bows to get your food when/if you hear your number being called. oh yea and the food? it's good but you might as well be at an actual restaurant for what you're paying for. which leads me to.. DID YOU JUST CHARGE ME OVER FIFTY DOLLARS FOR A PITCHER OF SHITTY SANGRIA THAT YOU MADE JUST NOW?! i'm sorry, it's over.
by Dani Mulry on
This place can get pretty crazy and I think is more of a spot to go to when you're having a 'Girls Night Out'. They play lots of mainstream and house type of music, and it's like as if the entire place is the dance floor. Also, the line can get very VERY very long and the cover is a bit much ... not to mention the drinks.
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