Mask Bar
75-5660 Kopiko St
Kailua Kona, HI 96740
Hawaii County
Phone: (808) 329-8558
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Teddy Steverson on
Not-so-good: Pricey (I think around $23 or so...) Dolphin exhibit had not opened up yet Good: Variety of sea life is tremendous Types of viewing (small thanks, walk-throughs, large tanks) is great Touch some of the animals! Overall, this is a great place for people of all ages, though the exhibits are skewed toward the younger demographic...(I went with a bunch of my 22-24 y/o friends and we were probably the oldest non-parents there...) It's a no-frills, what you see is what you get museum.  There's not much that will disappoint here though I can't quite remember a single 'WOW' moment.  Hopefully, since the dolphins will have opened up soon, they might provide that.
by Vernon Aitkins on
Great ambience, good food, and a patio for an after dinner smoke.  (I need to quit!)  This is a good date place.  I would definitely return. :-)
by Allison H. on
I must admit, I am not a big club goer and never was but I still love this place.  In terms of a club's lifespan, this place has been around forever.  There must be a reason why.  I primarily go for the music.  I love the diversity between the upstairs and main dance floor downstairs.  Upstairs is way cooler and more discreet; more hip hop.  I usually just wander leaving my friends to wonder where Alli went.  We always get a table and like the personal attention.  Non VIP Crowd is usually the same... Either Wall Street wheelers and dealers (or wanna-be's) and Bridge and Tunnel.  If you dont want to be bothered by broke girls lingering around the tables hoping for a free drink, they can provide bodyguards to ensure privacy.  On those rare occassions, I still love the place.
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