Master Mcgrath's Restaurant
New Zealand Road
Seabrook, NH 03874
Rockingham County
Phone: (603) 474-3540
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Hours: unknown
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by Vickie Mccree on
I came here when this place first opened....with all of the hype,it seemed that the staff could not keep up so my first experience here was not a good one. Let's fast forward just about a year now and see how different my opinion is... I like this place...I really do. From the beautiful bar to the exposed brick and bordello red walls...I just feel comfy here. We had a fantastic dinner here recently and I thought that I might share it with you as this is what this site is for,right? We came in for dinner on ACL weekend it it was perfect as everyone else in Austin seemed to be on the other side of town. We were seated at the bat immediately...I always prefer the bar as you actually seem to get better service there....just something that I have always noticed in restaurants. We stareted off with some outstanding drinks perfectly mixed by this weel trained bar staff. As we loosened up a bit we began to flip through our options for dining and I was rather impressed with what was being offered. We started with the antelope carpaccio and it was divine...the flavors and textures of this dish had me wanting seconds. From there we went into our entrees..I had the hares and pears (rabbit) and my wife had the quail...we didn't speak the entire meal as uor vocabulary was degraded to a series of moans of enjoyment...maybe even the occasional gasp of disbelief in the play of flavors.....everything was wonderful. We have returned here on a regular basis now...wheter it be just for a couple of drinks or a lite meal...I will continue to keep this number in my little black book of loves.
by Shirly Bicknase on
I've never done the night bowling before with the blacklights, but the blacklight on my lane was't all that bright compared to some of the other lanes. There was a large column directly next to my lane, which I've also never experienced before. Highly distracting to say the least. Everything was complicated when asking for a lane, deposit card first, then pay for shoes second without card they took away from you. Finally get shoes but don't give them one of yours. Mysterious indeed. Now I had a good time and drinks were moderately priced I guess for a place like this, but those security guys were such assholes!!!!! I mean c'mon, they were staring at me the whole time, non stop like they wanted me to give them a reason to use force. They left a bad impression of that place for me, I felt like they thought of everyone there as punks, even though they were all punks working there. The cherry on top was upon returning shoes, and the security oaf came up to the front desk next to me and got his walkie talky and fatness all up in my shit next to me without even noticing. Go back to the woods you bowling alley moron.
by Bill K. on
There's definitely something to be said for easing into the weekend out on the water watching the sun set with a bunch of friends. I think my favorite aspect of this place is the ad hoc nature of the seating.  People seemed to be forming into groups of various sizes and sitting or standing as necessary, all in a very natural and relaxed way. I'm told that the food here is rather good, but the environment is much better suited to drinking than eating.  Definitely a premium drinking experience- I observed some friends buying pitchers of domestic beer at $24 a Unique and a nice break from the rest of NYC.
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