Masterpiece Designs Garden Club
421 Calumet Street
Lake Linden, MI 49945
Houghton County
Phone: (906) 296-0495
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Hours: unknown
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by Andrea S. on
I am by no means a hamburger expert, or eat them often. But every once in a while I'm in the mood for a hamburger, usually just go with a trusty five guys burgers and fries. But saw that this place was opening up, i decided my boyfriend and I should try it out, we went for dinner one night, there was no problem getting a place to sit. I loved the sweet potato fries, i got an LA burger, it was also very good, I really enjoyed it, I love avocados and they went great with the burger, it was cooked well, the bun was good, not too doughy, and I got a chocolate milkshake, which was good, but then again, when can you have a bad chocolate milkshake. I was not able to eat all of that food, I believe it was the milkshake that I had while waiting for our order. If I'm in the mood for a burger and dont want to go far I'll stick to five guys, much closer to me, if I'm in the mood for a burger with a little something on top then Bobby's Burger Palace it is, I did order take out once from there during lunch time, and it looked like every seat was taken, so I was glad I was getting it to go.
by Damon Ardrey on
"Got tell-tale stains on your crotch? Use MIGHTY to get them out!" Even though it sounds like the name of a 1960's laundry detergent, the place redeems itself with a warmish-to-humid, lofty vibe where trendsetters may find themselves mingling with wallflowers like myself. The Lower Portrero locale also helps since parking is a cinch here even when the place is packed. Now a rateclubs event will always sway me to round up my rating, but in this case, it does seem justified since the warehouse bricks and sturdy posts make for a cozy ambiance, while the red "Phantom of the Opera" chandelier and "Design Within Reach"-style bar stools provide counterbalance with a bit of a "Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee" touch. That one stepdown, by the way, is a doozy when you're boozy. The bartenders - as super-busy as they were - were really nice and accommodating, though that could be the free Swan's Neck vodka lemon drops talking. Nice, curvy banquettes (...I learned that word on "Trading Spaces") made for intimate conversations with people I didn't know. Dancing is not an option unless I really, really get drunk. Even though I can do the two-step and the Hustle with the gymnastic dexterity of former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, I demurred since such shows of ego-centric abandon are reserved only for private showings in the dressing room in the Nordstrom's Men's Store. But the DJs were - dare I say at my age - cool. They were "fo' shizzle"..I don't know what that means, but it was my one and only opportunity to type that so I went for it. The best part of my evening was meeting a lot of wonderful and terribly young rateclubsers looking awfully stylish. I was a little too preoccupied with whether my name tag would stick to my polyester-blend shirt. Hey, it was on sale, OK? Maybe I'm not cool enough to come back. Oh who cares?...I'll be back.
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