1204 North Main St
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Montgomery County
Phone: (540) 552-3300
Fax: unknownWebsite: Visit our websiteEmail: no email on fileHours: unknown
by Javier Olthoff on I went on a Saturday night... and omgoodness can you say fobby? It sucks when you're in line and you see nothing but HOT ASIAN GIRLS and... fobby boys :( sigh. Luckily we met a promoter who brought us to the front and to a table which provided unlimited alcohol for us the whole night. Without that, I think I would've left at midnight. It has potential to be really fun, I just wish the crowd wasn't so... wack. :(
by Marlin Somvang on Totally amazing food. A pretty restaurant with a friendly pleasant staff. They serve upscale Southern food, and after having tried a few of the restaurants that have been around forever in Atlanta, I think I can say it's best to go to the upscale joint rather than a "Classic" like The Colonnaide Restaurant (which was awful). The She-Crab soup is amazing. The fried green tomatoes are okay (nothing amazing, but still pretty tasty). The potato soup (Which was a special) was bland, unfortunately. My fried chicken entree was amazing. Lip-smacking good. My wife had the Jambalaya and while she wasn't blown away, she did like it. Our friend had the trout and liked it a lot. You can't really go wrong here.
by Janney B. on I woke up this morning with scraped elbows and a chocolate-covered marshmallow cookie stuck to my face. I removed the cookie from my cheek and ate it, which is one perk of sleeping alone, and looked at the clock. Terrific, I groaned, I'm late for work. But then I remembered that everyone from my office was at Slide last night boozing it up with me, which is like immunity on Survivor. Hungover, I rode the train to work and tried not to throw up on a little girl who was wiggling her loose tooth. Then I noticed the scrapes on my elbows. *************What did I do last night?********** Slide has a huge metal slide near the entrance, that gives you a trashy and lazy, albeit dangerous, way of bypassing the stairs. I love things that are trashy, and lazy, and dangerous - just look at my dating history. My shoes finished first, followed by my skirt, with my body coming in third. Cross your legs to avoid giving the boys a free show. Hi Mom. Fun dance crowd, great DJ, gorgeous people. Can't think of anywhere cooler to go on Thursday nights. Be careful, though, because if you aren't on the list and it's a Donovan party, then you won't be allowed in. http://www.donovansf.comIf you're a guy, it's best to bring a girl with you. Some of my guy friends were unable to get in, so I grabbed some cute girls off the street and told them we'd pay for their drinks all night. Instant respect. Which I promptly lost on the slide of death.
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