1481 Hudson Bridge Road
Stockbridge, GA 30281
Henry County
Phone: (770) 389-0160
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Hours: unknown
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by Yosuke M. on
On a nice sunny NYC day, with a cool breeze blowing in from the Hudson, you could easily be persuaded to think that the Frying Pan as a great place to be. And for the first hour or two that would be the case. But stay a bit longer and you begin to find the flaws. First the beer specials aren't really that great a deal. And second, the only real beer special is Corona. If Corona is your most favoritest beer in the whole wide world, this is your heaven. If you think otherwise, you'll be drowning in buckets of Corona until your buds decide to move on to the next venue.
by Rocco Lamoureaux on
I spent my Labor Day weekend here in LA with my friend.  We went The Kress and it was not a good experience for me!  The club was mix crowded (even it was an Asian night)!  The people were gatto!  There were multiple floors in the building.  I don't think it was a good idea to walk up and down when you were drunk!  Also, it was very hot in the building, seems like no air at all!  The only thing I like here is the music, good hip-hop!
by Reginald Aldapa on
What an awesome venue for live music! I love the old social club feel of this place - the lush 60's lounge feel (the 60's era nudie paintings everywhere are nice touch), the relatively small size and the amount of tiered table seating with table service throughout the show. The bartenders all wear white jackets like they're on a cruise ship and there's an usher that will help you find table seating.  You may be seated with people you don't know, but I think it's well worth it to sit, see the stage (very important for those of us under 5') and order and receive drinks without getting up. There's also a very reasonably priced coat check. The BF took me to see Air here a little while ago and I don't think I've enjoyed a show at a club so much before. We were seated with another couple and although we were near the back of the table section, I could see the stage perfectly well above the other tables and the crowd in the standing section.  Our waitresses were attentive enough so that I was never wanting for a drink and very quick. Although I can see why this wouldn't be a good location for a real rockin' show, I really enjoyed myself here and think it's an amazing venue for more down-tempo shows. We're going to see Jose Gonzalez here on Sunday and I absolutely can't wait! We're going to get there a little earlier this time to get a table closer to the front. The only down side to this place is the tiny women's bathroom. Although the venue is fairly small, for a place that serves drinks, 4 stalls is just not enough and I felt I spent quite a bit of time in line.
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