Mendota Saloon
1352 Sibley Memorial Highway
Mendota, MN 55150
Dakota County
Phone: (651) 452-9582
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Norman K. on
We went on a Saturday night around 10:30PM so the place was packed. It's the crowd here that makes all the difference. It's a rich mix of people who all seem ready to have a good time. The drinks and food aren't very good but it's so loud and energetic that you don't really notice. It's worth checking out at least once.
by Dewey Makris on
What is so great about this place? It looks cool from the outside-- inside, it's just like any other pub with 20-somethings all looking to hit on each other. Guy to girl ratio if you are a guy. Too crowded for anything but standing around on a weekend night. One of the few remaining decent Buckhead places though, and convenient to me, so I come here a lot by default. Actually, I went mid-week once and it was actually really nice and laid back. My group of friends got a big table and the waitress kept the drinks and appetizers going. I had a great time then. Overall, overrated, but fine.
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