by Michele O. on I knew something was askew when for some odd reason I had a bad attitude while waiting in line. Could the vibe have already been rubbing me the wrong way? Yep. Thank god we were on the guest list and didn't have to pay. I recommend Vessel instead. In fact, I am going to increase my stars for Vessel because they blow Manor West out the water. Manor West is bigger, but not as memorable. Bathroom is a small shit hole. Bartender did not pour me well. DJ was lame, mixing music on his MacBook and playing the occasional song you can't necessarily groove to. Vessel brings in real DJ's who use turntables and has an amazing sound system and lighting effects. I can see how this place could impress young club-goers with its nice layout and private booths, but for real spectacular story to the night or the club. When a night out at the club with my girls isn't spectacular something's up. I chalk it up the venue. Manor West lacked the club je ne sais quoi. And please have your doorman give a courteous "watch your step" upon exiting. The funniest part of the night was my friend who biffed it on the way out. Sad.
by Lillia Gue on What a terrible place. Forget the fact that the place isn't even remotely eco friendly (serving $5 Fiji water bottles does NOT make you eco-friendly - it makes you over-priced. And p.s. eco-friendly and plastic bottles don't mix. Duh) the owners/investors/promoters/whatever of this new establishment are, to be frank, conceited d-bags who have ZERO concept of what it takes to run a successful club. My advice to them: Take your sunglasses off, wash the 80 pounds of gel-goop out of your hair, ditch the dated, frat-boy-esque clothing and try to remember for TWO seconds that in this business the customer is always right. How can you possibly think it's a savvy business idea to lose your temper and yell at customers??? D-bag owners aside - this place doesn't even have a good vibe. In my opinion the drinks are over-priced, the music is a bit on the loud side (even for a dance club), and the whole place stinks like farts. Gross. And don't get me started on the fact that there are only TWO stalls in the tiny tiny tiny girls bathroom! What were they thinking???? Furthermore, the waitresses are too busy trying to look like strippers to wait on you. And when they FINALLY get around to you they are snotty and bratty and try to bring random extra bottles of liquor to your table that you NEVER EVEN HINTED AT ORDERING. And then when you try to bring the bottle back and tell them you don't want it, they get all pissy and try to refuse to take it off your bill. WTF? These girls need to get over themselves. Like right now. Then - to top it all off when we left the bar there were TWO fights happening outside, with cops, and an ambulance, and a guy laying the middle of the street (passed out? shot? I have no idea) We ran away as fast as we could. My friends and I had an absolutely rotten time here and will certainly never go back. If I could give it negative stars I would. Sketchy neighborhood. Terrible service. WORST CLUB EVER!