Mineral Springs Resort
11000 Palm Drive
Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
Riverside County
Phone: (760) 329-6484
Fax: (760) 251-8410
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Wilbert Zeck on
Came here on Saturday to celebrate a graduation. The last time I was here the music was bumpin' and i was really enjoying myself. I did not notice how obnoxious  this club was until I came with a bunch of people and we were walking around, going upstairs, downstairs, to the bathroom.. etc. First off, you get a stamp on your wrist, then you get escorted to a tiny elevator with an attendant (elevator-button-pusher). You have to show your stamp. Getting off the 1st or 2nd floor, don't get too rowdy near the bathrooms or they'll say 'hey, calm down!'. If you're waiting to go back up, make sure you stand in the corner that they point at ( by they, I mean the self important people in black suits that stand around with flashlights) or they'll wave it at you and tell you what to do or what not to do. Get back into elevator, oh wait, back out so she can look at the stamps of five people already in there, okay, everyone get back in and show your stamps. What kind of pretentious obnoxious rip-off club is this? First off, it's not that nice. It's big, yes, but does that necessitate the handfuls of 'security' that restrict your movement and make you feel like over rowdy first graders ? And what the hell is this business with showing your stamp? You have to get in through a line, three security guards and the elevator lady, for god's sake, does anyone over 21 really have time to make a hole in the wall or sneak through a cracked window somewhere in the building? You're not that awesome, Kress, and totally not worth all the time I spent flashing my wrist and getting scolded for not standing in a straight line to wait for the elevator. For you gals that really can't brave the cold- no coat check.
by Myles Runquist on
Oslo is a nice place around the corner from where I used to work. They have a big menu of numerous Asian dishes from various countries of origin as well as a sushi bar. I stopped in with a co-worker to have a peek as she got takeout sushi and returned the very next day to try it myself. As you know if you read this blog on any type of regular basis, I am a sushi fan. I'm not hugely picky which works for my wallet but I can indeed tell good from the merely mediocre. Oslo is very good indeed but not stellar. The prices are about what you would expect, a bit higher than my bargains in the burbs but not anything too out there by any means. The sushi chef is very nice and was more than happy to demonstrate for me as he made up my to go box. He works efficiently and tidily, as all good sushi chefs do. I was sad not to see knife work but I enjoyed myself at any rate. His fish was already beautifully sliced and he made quite nice tight rolls. I had the Oslo sushi combination B which features your choice of roll (spicy tuna, spicy white tuna, california or avocado and cucumber) plus 6 pieces of chef's choice nigiri sushi for 16.00. I added a salmon roll because I was starving. It made quite a lovely array. The spicy tuna was quite zesty, I liked the heat a lot. The salmon was fresh, rich and buttery and a perfect foil for the spice of the tuna. The nigiri was a solid combination including salmon, tuna and shrimp. I felt quite piggish but happy at any rate. They gave me plenty of wasabi, soy sauce and ginger with the requisite chopsticks, sending along a little cup for dipping, packing me off on my merry way. Very nice to go I must say. Now if they had better deals or a coupon I would be here all the time.
by Kate F. on
They make their waitresses wear these ridiculous yellow and black sexy diner waitress numbers - which made me feel like a staffer in a "sexy nurse" or "sexy witch" costume would be coming around the corner to serve me any minute. I also heard the best worst pick up lines ever here. It's riddled with the started drinking at 5:01pm, likes to meet girls in dark places corporate set. To the girls behind me I heard this lovely ode to romance: "Hey, mind if I ask how old you are?" "24" "Oh good, I just wanted to make sure you were legal." hahahahhahahahahaha. I wouldn't go here if you're serious about your game. (segue...) The computer didn't track a score a few times, and I found a sweet spot in the right gutter (of lane 13) that if hit by the ball with a lot of force, bumped it back into the pins and consistently knocked three over. All in all, I won two out of three games (thank you Cosmic Bowling Fridays in Jersey) and we had a great time. But for three games for three people, two pitchers of beer and one of the lamest pick up lines ever, $200 is a bit steep.
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