Mississippi Nights
914 North 1st Street
Saint Louis, MO 63102
Saint Louis City County
Phone: (314) 421-3853
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
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Hours: unknown
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by F J. on
My first Buckhead experience... and a good one! This place is pretty big, with lots of little subtle layout quirks and funky objects all over the place. There are at least a couple bars in here. Drinks are not cheap but stiff; food is standard bar food. Good ol' wooden tables give the place a touch of class. There was a decent cover band blasting out 80's hits. It was Friday night and the place eventually got really crowded... friendlier than I expected though - there seemed to be some d-bag attitude floating around, but I definitely made some cute new friends here : ) Buckhead has apparently gotten a bad rep. over the last few years, but I had a great time at Fado.
by Janelle Kitz on
Wheeeee!!! I've only been to Cocomo on Thursday salsa nights but it's always been fun.  Even if you're not a killin' salsero/salsera, you'll probably still have a good time.  I used to accompany my roommate there.  She would dance, I would watch the dancing and check out the live band.  But after getting asked for the umpteenth time "Would you like to dance?" and having to sheepishly reply, "Oh, I don't know how.", I decided to take the free class they offer at 8:00pm.  The instructors are so-so, but it's a nice way to meet other dancers to practice with later in the evening.  I was lucky enough to meet a couple of guys that were good dancers and patient teachers. I don't consider this place a pickup joint, though there is always a handful of leery creeps lurking around.  For the most part, it's a place where people come to dance, drink and hang out. Ladies, beware the spinners. Being spun is fun... in moderation.
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