129 Atlantic Street
Stamford, CT 06901
Fairfield County
Phone: (203) 357-7755
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Jackie D. on
pretty chill bar when i was there. not sure how the crowd is on a night where people go out but it was nice just sitting around and drinking some beers. it's a decently sized space but it was a monday or tuesday so it looked bigger than normal (i think). bartenders were nice too. no conversations with them tho.
by Serina Juedes on
I went to Bordello to see a live band and I have to say, for the right band it's a fun venue.  Cool decor, decent sound and a nice intimate setting. But I do have a few complaints/warnings; 1.  Several places online (I do believe rateclubs is one of them) list Bordello as having a restaurant.  This would be a grotesque overstatement.  They serve three things; French Fries, Mozzarella sticks and fried zucchini.  In other words, don't go there hungry like I did.  Just hit Little Tokyo right around the corner for some tasty grub beforehand though and you'll be fine. 2.  There is a slightly douchey vibe depending on when you go.  When I was there for the live band, the crowd started off very cool, chill, laid back at first but as the night progressed I started to feel like I was in the midst of a Hollywood douche-fest. All in all, worth checking out but don't go hungry and be prepared to bolt as soon as the "in" crowd starts arriving.
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