Mouse Trap
2130 Fort Campbell Boulevard
Clarksville, TN 37042
Montgomery County
Phone: (931) 552-4037
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Hours: unknown
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by Donn Hove on
World Cafe Live hosts "Free at Noon" concerts every Friday. It's so great!!! Live music is an experience that is like no other. The ambiance is great and so is the food. Head there one day and see for yourself.
by Chad H. on
(This is the 3rd time I've been here, though the first time reviewing it. And it's also the first time dining here solo which meant first time with entree vs tapas-style dining.) I started with the fried green tomatoes which were great. The sauce they are served with has a bit of basil in it which complements both the tomatoes and the cheese. Only ate half since I'd pre-decided dessert was in store. For my main, I got the jambalaya. Also excellent and a couple of things worth pointing out: 1- being a fan of seafood, it's those bits that I tend to look forward to when ordering this dish. And while they didn't disappoint, I found it was the andouille that was outstanding (and hence was poking around inside the dish to find that one last piece). 2- there was a slight crunchiness to the onions that added to the experience--contrasted to all the soft stuff inside. To quote Moe the Bartender, "It's like there's a party in my mouth, and everyone's invited." Banana pudding for dessert...
by Tomas Hemesath on
This was once my very favorite bar in the Mish.  It was based on a few nights in which I was surrounded by my well-intoxicated group of friends, in which men outnumbered women by a small margin. We would get there before cover began (10pm) and dance our wild hearts out until everyone was covered in sweat and happiness. Drinks were strong and flavorful, strangers were friendly and exotic. But then I went there with just the ladies. It was at that point that I realized that there is a fine line between "friendly and exotic" and "foreign and grabby." There are a lot of dancing boners in that room, and they definitely fall into the close and creepy category. So it saddens me. I love to dance, love to move in rhythm with other vivacious people and feel young and free. But I don't like being surrounded by 3 boners with busy hands and 0 class.
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