Mr Ed's Saloon
1700 Harrison Ave
Butte, MT 59701
Silver Bow County
Phone: (406) 782-3700
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Joseph K. on
Geno's is more of a tourist attraction than anything. The bright neon lights attracts people like flies to the fluorescent zappers. Both have the same effect...a timely journey to your death! Hahaha. There's not too much special about the actual food, but I guess the environment is almost as important too. The beef is average, the bread is okay, and the cheese...well cheese is cheese. If you're looking for a little Philly style rough-up, the hot sauce will do you justice, especially on its way out a couple hours later. It's kinda like a bittersweet relationship, the hot sauce and I. I'll spare you the details. Verdict: A cheesesteak is a cheesesteak, and it's definitely a must try if visiting Philadelphia. But I must say that there's better cuisine out there.
by Nicole C. on
Great place to go in Hollywood! As other reviewers have stated, cover is $20 for both men & women. We were on guest list and we got in right away. I hate paying cover, but when you get free tacos & free berries & chocolate fondue, how can you complain? Decor is very original - It's set up almost like a house, with different rooms to go in to, including the outdoor patio where you first walk in. Bars were all clear enough that you could easily walk up and order a drink, but the dance floor was another story. It was so packed we couldn't even fight our way through. Thanks to all the free seating this place has available, we didn't really mind. We just sat & lounged for a while and listened to the DJ bump some awesome tunes! We had to leave around midnight since we had an early flight to catch, but I wish we could have stayed all night. Unfortunately, they do stop serving food relatively early - they were already packed up and done with that before we left at midnight, so if you wanna get some food, do so early! And I also took advantage of the lot across the street (on the corner), which offered $8 parking and seemed decently safe & secure.
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