by Nameless on This place is very bright like a waffle house with less clothes on, very pushy and overpriced, girls are forced to buy drinks and customers go broke quick..owners and managers..if you dont want to lose all your buisness to girls working on the side then you shouldnt be so hatefull and threatening to the girls about there jobs. One of the managers looks at porn all night and treats girls like trash. even people who work in this type of place deserve to be counted as human.Stupid management, no one wants any chicken wings...especially from waitresses that dont get pd a single dollar for there services.Bartenders are evil and cause drama, managment shouldnt be allowed to get "favors" from them. Ive said enough..abusive managment, bartender conspiracy, owners do you even care,???WTF
by Muriel d. on Weirdo land. WTF? This place is weird and probably my least favorite spot on Polk Street. I can't place the crowd, I don't understand the mix. . . I'd say skip it unless your friends really want to go. . which is when I do go there.
by Tena Landaker on It was an interesting place. Not bad, but not necessarily good. The layout was sorta weird. I think that their little middle-section near the booths was somewhat squished. If they moved it over just a bit, it would have been better. The drinks were standard/decent, so pretty good. The music wasn't loud, which I was super stoked about. Usually bars are the place that you have to scream, but thankfully I could hold a conversation and not go deaf or scream my voice away. Perhaps I'll check this place out another time when I have more time to get a better understanding of what the establishment is like. We shall see.