by Michael L. on I don't think this place is nearly as bad as some have made it out to be on rateclubs. Have eaten there several times and have enjoyed it. Have had the enchilada's, the Salmon Salad, and fajita tacos. The service wasn't the best but the food was good. Have been told that the drinks are also good but haven't tried those yet.
by Nathaniel Tenant on I'm morally compelled to tell ppl not to dine here. Drinks would be acceptable (though I don't recall any thoughts on the drink I had - which means it was acceptable). This place is gross. I think I had better food at PF Changs. In grave honesty. I liked the decor at Buddha Bar better. But to each his own. Btw, the night I went, I was with one party of out-of-towners, and the other group I knew were Scandinavian visitors. NATIVE NYC'ERS KNOW BETTER.