by Mike N. on When I first read these reviews I thought to myself God damn! Do SF people like anything at all? This place can't be that bad can it? Yes, it was that bad. +1 star off the bat for getting in without cover and waiting in that mobbed cluster fuck of an entrance. Thanks to a friends bday and their table and not because my man breasts were looking awesome. A lot of reviewers say that this place tries too hard to be LA. Not so my northern friends, I doubt it would be any cooler in my backyard. The music was questionable and it was indeed filled with people a bit older then the average rateclubing joes and judies. Added to which the bulges in joe's pants were their wallets and only their wallets. Ouch, coming from an asian guy too (I do not endorse ethnic stereo-types nor do I necessarily agree with them). The space between the bar and the wall was a sweaty sardine can. With the bathroom located in a hallway at the end of the bar, you can imagine the heavy foot traffic mosh between those by the bar and those making their way to the bathroom. The coup de grace. My last order of the night was a 7 shot round of grey goose. The generous bartender gave us 7 Warm shots of grey goose. I don't care how bad ass of a drinker you think you are. Warm vodka is never bueno. I contemplate, what came first? The douchebags or the club? What I mean is maybe it really isn't the clubs fault. Maybe its just the people who come here thinking its one of those cool LA places transplanted in SF and Vessel never stood a chance. Or maybe that's what they were aiming for. Or maybe its our snobbish anti-snobbery attitude to blame and not actually Vessel and its crowd. Maybe people like us shouldn't be going here and consequently writing crappy reviews in the first place. My head hurts.
by Arica Vecino on The first show I saw here was Colin Meloy (lead singer of the Decemberists) and I was practically blown away. The intimate setting of the venue, in conjunction with Colin (who alone is dreamy and fabulous) seriously melted my heart. I would get married at this venue, if it wasn't for the trannies lurking around after dark. Definitely one of my favorite spots in San Francisco.