Northward Lounge
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Fairbanks North Star County
Phone: (907) 456-6133
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by Karry Manweiler on
Don't have to dress up Don't have to push guys off of your ass all night Don't have to pay an arm and a leg for a drink Don't have to wait in a ridiculous line to PEE Don't have to worry about possibly getting into a fight So yeah, Bootie is the exact opposite of all other clubs out there. THIS IS WHY IT IS SO AMAZING.
by Arleen Mcnabb on
"Great Great Bar and bands!" It's the best little bar in Atlanta. The crowd is little five points locals and the bar has everything you'd ever want. The bands are wild and crazy... all at the same time. Try catching one of their special events, like talent show night. You'll have a party and witness strange things. The last time I was there, a mini-bike act filled up the place with smoke... good thing the fire departmen didn't show up. The downstairs bar is not to be missed... relax and enjoy!
by edison c. on
Around the corner from Red River, B-Bar brings pink drinks, eternally busted (but still potentially useful) photo booth, jammin tunes, mixed sweaty dancing crowd inside, giant disco ball, extra-sweaty cigarette-fetish crowd out front. I had a good time at Beauty Bar and didn't get the "worship my fashion cred" feel that some other folks mentioned was the case here. If B-Bar wasn't at least mildly full of people who like dancing, though, I would not go. There's plenty of places in Austin for drinking n' chatting with folks that are 70 db quieter. Yeah yeah, you could go outside with the smokers, but in the dog days o Austin summer and no cooling misters-a-la-Iron-Cactus, no thanks. (I do give kudos to the DJ). Beauty Bar appears to have bands sometimes, but we weren't there for a band. The space available for a band appears to be the usual crappy space available for a band. Someday, in my ideal universe, a club will actually be designed from the ground up with every square foot laid out to equally (if perhaps impractically) serve the purposes of bands, dancers, sitters, chatters, hotties, djs, lazies, moshers, and drunkards, with equal aplomb. Until then, Beauty Bar is a few notches up from 'alright'. Where's my pink vodka shot?
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