by Chris L. on I loved this place. Maybe it was because we went here in the early afternoon on a Saturday, but it was a typical bar for this area. There were some skanky looking women here, but not too out of the ordinary for this area. Bartender was great, poured us samples of her bloody mary and their pineapple infused vodka and did everything we could have asked for. My beers were $3 a piece, not bad for 2pm on a saturday.
by Squirrel L. on It was New Years Eve. I had just been dumped. The heater in my teeny studio apartment had a gas leak and was filling up the place with carbon monoxide. These were definitely the worst of times. The last thing I wanted to do was go to the Clermont. The only thing that got me out of the house was the fact that my brother's band was playing and the promise of heat. So, I drove the 3 blocks to the Clermont. (Yeah I drove 3 blocks - that's what people do in Atlanta.) It was packed in there that night. The ceilings felt too low and there was definitely plenty of heat. I was not in the mood for these shiny, happy people. I found myself a spot on the ledge across from the stage where I would sit and watch the band, not talking to anyone but my brother and his friends. At some point during the night, this guy appeared seemingly from nowhere and sat beside me on the ledge. Being the Southerners that we are, we got to talking and became fast friends. Throughout the night, I could see my brother giving him the evil eye from the stage - who is this guy and why is he chatting up my sister? "Ignore him", I said, "he's overly protective due to our lack of parental guidance as kids." The night went on, the music was awesome, and the company was great. Once we were several hours into the new year, my new friend and I exchanged email addresses and went our separate ways. Then there I was back at my place with no heat, trying to comfort myself with thoughts of this kind stranger. Days went by, weeks went by and still no word from him. Who was this boy with the fancy-sounding name and where had he gone? Finally, a month later, there he was in my inbox. Many years later and over 2500 miles apart, we are still friends. The place is depressing, the strippers are ugly, but you will always have something to talk about with a cute stranger.
by Sean Schwend on the go go boys are definitely hot. but thats all. in all of my 6 years of going to mickys occasionally I've met like 2-3 cute or worthy friends. Now and days I can't even go in there, its so boring. Off to the abbey for me!