Nts-American Dream
2607 South 120th Street
Omaha, NE 68144
Douglas County
Phone: (402) 932-0029
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Frank W. on
The food is very good and reasonably priced. The service is, as other reviewers pointed out, slow and inexperienced. The staff is very friendly and tries hard, however. The decor is very basic. The tables are a little worn and arranged sparsely throughout the facility. The bathrooms are pretty dirty with partially broken toilets, hot water only at the sinks and non-locking stalls. So, in summary, it's a good place for authentic Ethiopian/Eritrean cuisine, but expect slow service and mediocre decor.
by Bula Isbill on
WAY overcrowded. We went to see Paul Van Dyke and paid $60 a head to get in..and we could barely move, much along DANCE to the music so that was way crappy. I understand they wanna make $$, but come on, charging that much to get in and they overcrowd the place so that it's not even enjoyable. i don't even know if it was SAFE! we would have been in big trouble had there been a fire! The club itself was huge with different rooms and upstairs to hang out in. Upstairs was playing hip hop that night and wasn't crowded at all, so we ran up there a few times to get some air and sit down. All in all, only the music was impressive. Bartenders took forever, lines were too long, overcrowded, and too expensive.
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