by Sonia M. on I came here for drinks and appetizers. The place is beautiful- you can't beat the view, looking down Union Square or up to the sky on a clear night. And the service was prompt. The food and drinks were nothing memorable- just fine. The crowd was also significantly older... Not that there's anything wrong with that. I just didn't find this to be aimed at the under 30 crowd (at least not on the Friday night I went- and it wasn't being used as a club). I wouldn't go out of my way to come back here.
by E E. on The best sushi in Atlanta with a New York flare. I love eating here and it has actually become apart of my food stable to eat at Genki at least once every two weeks for the past 5 or 6 years. Great place and now I hear they deliver.
by Charmaine Desouza on Mood Just Puts You In the Bad Mood!!! I thought going to a club with (Luda) Chris would be guaranteed fun, but the experience turned out to be a BIG "Eh..." Chris is great, we walked in w/ paparazzi chasing us as usual. But the crowd inside pretty much equals to pounds of heavy make up, plastic surgery and reality stars vigorously riding on their 15-min fame. HOT? I don't think so! The ambiance of the club is great, I like the intimacy in the VIP area, and how close it is to the main door (creating easy access to the many celebrities that DO walk thru those doors.) But the other wannabes just drive me insane, one of them stepped on my toe and didn't even apologize. Sorry girl, but my nose is actually real. Don't hate me if I don't go under the knife...