717 East Sunflower Road
Cleveland, MS 38732
Bolivar County
Phone: (662) 846-9010
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by mimi d. on
first time here.. kind of a small place but decently sized considering it was a smaller crowd.  we had a table so i might have been a lil grumpy if i had to wait in line for drinks though. music was good, for the most part... or, it was the alcohol that started kicking in! :P i will say though, my rating is slightly skewed upward because i was shocked by how well mannered all of the guys were.  always a nice feeling to not have a guy come up eerily from behind :|
by Larry Heiberger on
Last night after coffee with a friend I was informed that I was either going to be joining her and some friends at Temporary Spaces or I would be considered a big loser. Given the options, I decided to check out what was promised to be a fun night listening to a great DJ at a guest list only event. Plus this would be my first experience at a lesbian bar (gay bar experience on my part not lacking) which would surely provide interesting fodder for a rateclubs review. Temporary Spaces is a small, dark, attractively decorated bar with a miniscule dance floor and two bars (one in front and one in the back). If you're familiar with the EAST/WEST Lounge in West Hollywood, then imagine a smaller version and replace all the gay men with lesbians. Somehow they manage to have an indoor smoking area, which doesn't seem even remotely legal (and don't tell me that's a patio... having a crack in the brick wall does not make it a patio), so smokers don't miss out on much of the music or socializing. The crowd is young and, in general, very attractive. This is also one of the most ethnically diverse bars I've run across in LA, which also kind of makes me feel like I'm some kind of uber politically-correct lesbian soap opera. Drinks are good and reasonably priced. I had an $8 whiskey sour (Jack, thankyouverymuch), and it was good and strong. Dancing proves difficult if you're over 5ft 6 inches tall as your chest area gets pummeled by the jerking elbows of gyrating ladies. The over all feel of the place is good, but if you come to see a DJ perform you really expect them to go on eventually and we left in boredom before that ever even happened. Also, one stall in the ladies bathroom? That's just cold. Additionally, parking is terrible. You end up parking blocks away on a poorly lit, moderately sketchy side street. Over all, not a terrible experience, and hey, if the DJ had ever decided to perform then maybe it could have even been a memorable one!
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