Odd Fellows - MT Scott Lodge No 188
9216 Southeast Ramona Street
Portland, OR 97266
Multnomah County
Phone: (503) 774-3012
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Odd Fellows - MT Scott Lodge No 188 - About Us
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by Jessica L. on
I think this is one of the better burger places in Austin. Not because they're ginormous or because you can get crazy toppings, but because they taste good. And the staff is nice. Just the way things should be.
by Gwenda Schueller on
You know a place is bad when you were able to get in free and you still didn't enjoy yourself.  I had no business being at this place and I knew it from the moment I stepped inside.  I would of have a hell of a time by myself at home blasting music from my iPod. Anyhow, they have valet parking for a reasonable price, $5.  However, for $20 they'll park your car in the front so that you won't have to wait a long time for the valet to retrieve your car. Once I stepped inside I smelled cigarette smoke.  As I went further inside, it got worst because some people were smoking cigars.  The club has 3 different sections, one played House music, the other Salsa, and the last played a mixture of Hip-Hop and R&B.  The inside isn't bad looking, but the rooms get packed pretty quickly.  When this happens, it's difficult to maneuver around.  It doesn't really promote socializing.  You're constantly be bumped by people. Despite being totally miserable at this club, I did see a lot of people enjoying themselves.  I think this club suits people in their 20's.  Also, I think people that enjoy Latin music may have fun here too.  They were getting down in the Salsa room. I don't think this is for the grown and sexy crowd.  You can't really enjoy a drink and strike up a conversation with someone.
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