O'Kelly's Tastes & Toddies
3800 Main Avenue
Fargo, ND 58103
Cass County
Phone: (701) 277-1880
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
O'Kelly's Tastes & Toddies - About Us
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by Mary-Alex A. on
So the other night BPM had a show here and I'm hoping they decide to avoid it in the future. Turn Offs: -There was a $10 cover. Cash only. -The ATM has a $2.50 convenience charge. -90% of the booths (with linen draped from the ceiling like something out of Aladdin) were reserved. -The venue was relatively small and the volume level is over powering (definitely not a place to hold a conversation in) -If you are prone to seizures check this place OFF your list... their craaazy light displays during the course of the night made my brain numb. -All of the sets were about 30 minutes behind. -I didn't spend anytime at the bar because after spending $10 ($20 because I paid for my sister + $2.50 for "convenience") I felt I had already done my duty in funding the establishment without liquid happiness. -The bouncer was such a dick at the door (and might I add DID NOT check either my sister or my ID just asked how old we were at an All Ages show) I forgot how old I was when he asked (I'm twenty ONE... Er not exactly) even before he wrist-banded me. -The parking lot was damn creepy. Red walls and short ceilings. Turn Ons: -Rob (Ok, not a turn on but he is still my favorite BPM member ha!) -Seeing live music in the middle of the week -Free Parking
by Mica Mikler on
Ah yes the mighty majestic, how many time I have visited you at 4am in the morning after making numerous bad decisions in regards to alcohol consumption. I wonder what this place is like during the day, Ill have to take your word for it because I have never been here when the sun is out. If you do go here I recommend the Gyro, it sounds weird for a dive diner to represent a greek classic as well as this place does, but I assure you its very, very good. And don't just take my word for it because I was slightly intoxicated, friends that are totally sober tried some if it and agreed. So see, there ya go.
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