by Carol L. on two stars only because i actually had a good time.. and that was solely because of my girlfriends i was with... important stuff: -parking is hard to find unless you park in their parking lot...$10 -club is hard to find, it doesn't even have a SIGN.. or no visible sign at least.. i mean HOW are you suppose to find this place if you don't have a GPS?? thank goodness my girls and i had one... -this club is tiny... -their stereos suck.. or are broken. orr.. their dj is deaf and doesn't know that the music is SOOO not loud enough for a CLUB. you enter the club, and what you see is practically the whole club. it's tiny! there's another small room if you walk in more, and there's an outside part for the smokers... but other than that... not that great.. OH and the dj? or.. stereos?... totally not loud enough. my girlfriends and i spent the first 10 minutes, talking about how we can actually hear each other... which is NOT GOOD for a club.. at least in MY opinions... the good clubs, where the music is so loud you have no idea what your best friend is saying right next to actually can FEEL the music and you can't help but dance cuz the music is so loud and good.. now THAT's a good club... not. haute. lol the end.
by Rain F. on I'm not a fan of the red lighting and seeing everything in red. Because of this place, I want to start including the restrooms in my rating. Ahhh! There's only two stalls, no paper towels, and it gets really crowded. On the plus side, they have my blueberry martini. so YAY :D