108 N Main St
Providence, RI 02903
Providence County
Phone: (401) 751-1200
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Crystal S. on
Morimoto is one of my favorite restaurants in Philadelphia.  Service has been top notch during each visit! I'm a big fan of their sushi & ishi yaki bop!
by Duane Gieger on
Very hit or miss. I'd say 25% hit, 75% miss, but I've had one epic night here so I keep coming back. HIT: Awesome dance music, intimate dance floor, elevated benches all around if you feel so inspired (and many do). Night ends with everyone singing along to classics a la the Tombs (gtowners, you'll know what I'm referring to) MISS: You'll spend more time dodging than dancing. Vertigo is definitely in lower Polk (bordering the TL), so crowd can get rather dodgy and sometimes overly aggressive. Some people need to learn to take no for an answer. One bonus regardless of hit/miss = disco balls!
by Kent Gorden on
Saw Jimmy Eat World here.  The venue isn't anything special and the parking is damn overpriced like $30 or something because it's in Hollywood.  The parking down by the Pantages is cheaper.  Concert ticket prices aren't bad for LA, but I've been to better places to see live bands.
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