by Freeman Petross on So. If you're a member, pre-order your tickets and you'll be able to stroll in right through the front door. Don't forget to flaunt your membership status like a backstage pass Wayne and Garth style. However, if you're not a member, pre-order your tickets and get their early! Otherwise, anticipate standing in a line that stretches almost around the corner all the way to J.F.K drive. Yep. My jaw dropped when I saw how long that line was. Luckily I'm a member, and avoided what looked like a minimum 1 hour wait. Must: Planeterium show. Worth it. Best seats are up towards the back otherwise you'll risk getting motion sickness. Must: Spend some quality time downstairs in the Steinhart aquarium. Must: Take a tour of the indoor rainforest. Must: Hit up the bar. Must: Go to the rooftop for the telescopes, if not that, for the awesome sun setting horizon you'll get to see. Don't: Go to the 3-D astronomy show, unless you're into astronomy. (bring you're own 3-D glasses if you do decide to go) Don't: Get too frustrated with the crowds, because there are a ton of people there. So not only is the entire museum open for you to wander and get lost in, but you're also allowed to drink and be merry while doing it. Whoever thought of the idea is a genius. And the weird thing is, you'll actually learn something. That's right! Drinking while learning! Oh man. Did I mention there is a DJ and people actually dance! Parking is challenging unless you have good parking karma. If you want you can park out on 9th and Irving, walk 4 blocks in towards the museum. And afterwards you can walk back out and experience any of the awesome restaurants on Irving St. 4 stars! You'll like it. By the way I hope someone doesn't get stupid drunk and fall into the open albino alligator exhibit. All it takes is one guy to lose a hand to ruin it for everyone.