Otey's Tavern
224 Country Club Park
Birmingham, AL 35213
Jefferson County
Phone: (205) 871-8435
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Otey's Tavern - About Us
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by Lacy Bloomquist on
Great place for Chinese in Greater Boston. Sat outside here on a sunny, early summer night last weekend and fully enjoyed the sun setting over tree-lined, lovely Washington Square - and of course our meal. Been here a few times and the food is tasty and doesn't leave you feeling unhealthy and gross as some Chinese food does. They pride themselves on fresh ingredients and it shows. Everything is tasty and loaded with vegetables. Extensive menu to please anyone. Great for vegetarians and picky eaters. Excellent service too. Some say it's expensive. Maybe compared to your shady local Chinese hole-in-the-wall, but not compared to most of the restaurants in the vicinity (Washington Sq. Tavern, Fireplace, etc.). I'd estimate entress in the $12-18 range. Not terrible.
by Jerold Fontane on
TV's surround you, so you can watch your favorite team. and your friends can watch theirs! The times I have been here, its been pretty chill. nice bartenders, Clean bar and Clean restrooms! and KILLER Cheap Bloody mary's Its not my favorite place to watch the game.but, it comes pretty close. I have nothing bad to say.
by lisa w. on
i can't believe i haven't reviewed this yet! i love the starlight room. they have hip hop on wednesdays and other themes on other nights. often they have classy jazz earlier in the evenings (like cocktail hour-ish) and the most to-die-for view in the whole city. the best part, their cover has never been more than $10 in my experience and they often have a guest list if you know where to find the promoter's website or you get on their mailing list.
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