Outing Club
142 Outing Club Road
Aiken, SC 29801
Aiken County
Phone: (803) 649-9160
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by David T. on
Pros: -If the weather is nice, it's very pleasant being outside on the water. -Wide, open spaces, provided it's not too crowded (which I imagine would be only on the weekdays? I went on a Tuesday and it was nice and empty, but friends have said it's packed on weekends) -Three floors, ample seating Cons: -Relatively expensive ($5-$8 a beer, $4 for fries, etc. etc.) -Poor lighting -Location is inconvenient (nearest subway is 4 avenues and some odd streets away) -Crowd is full of  "bros"
by liz b. on
got in for free since a friend was promoting here. checked my coat but then the bouncer made me check my little cover up. I was mad and argued it wasnt a "coat" it was a little hot pink thing over my dress. he made me take it off . very lame. it was fashion week so they had some lame fashion show. i went to get some drinks and wasnt allowed back where my friend was until after the show. they gave me a free drink b/c of that so i didnt care. after the show it got absoulutely packed and i wanted to leave. a friend got hurt on the stairs so they gave us a free bottle of vodka and table service but they didnt even offer her a band aid?? weird but hey free vodka. thats the only reason i had fun here. also the dj let me in the booth.
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