1254 West 2100 South
Ogden, UT 84401
Weber County
Phone: (801) 334-9260
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by Catherine A. on
The Ranstead Room looks great.  I love the back-alley entrance and the flocked wallpaper (in pink!) and the sexy ladies and the candlelit interior. I love the red leather (vinyl?) booths and the chandelier on the ceiling.  I like the Motown in the background.  The atmosphere is so my thing.  But, and I'm not sure I can describe how, I enjoy thinking about going there more than I enjoy actually being there.  I think the term "trying too hard" applies to this place. Last time I went, I was hungry, so my date and I got the small plates they get from El Rey, adjoining.  Tacos with slabs of super-chewy steak make them hard to eat, and only OK guacamole slathered in some kind of cheese.  All served with way too much salt. Ugh. But the point is the drinks, right?  I have had good drinks here, I've really enjoyed them.  I generally get something gin-based, but on my last trip I tasted a tequila drink with egg whites and something very special, it was really great!  I think it's better to order off-menu, or get the bartender's choice, rather than stick to what's printed.  It seems to turn out better.  The menu itself is pretty limited, anyway. The service has also been...weird.  On my last trip, the waiter interrupted my date at strange times and just kept trying to take away our drinks.  We're sitting close, we're holding hands, I'm in the middle of a sentence, and there's still booze at the bottom of our glasses, so please, this is not the time to ask if we need anything else or offer to take what we have away.  I felt like it was a middle school dance and the chaperons were scheming to keep us from getting too touchy-feely.  Seriously.
by David S. on
This has always been one of my favorite clubs in Atlanta, but I only give it four stars for a complicated reason. I have been going to MJQ for about two years now, and it has gone through a lot of changes. The Good: The enviornment is really cool. The underground feel and pulsating music make you feel like you have discovered some rare gem in the city. The club isn't marked with any signs and it is easy to miss. Also more importantly Wednesday night is FREE. Yes you heard it from me FREE. So believe me when I say every Wednesday I was there. Break dancers in the back room make this club feel even cooler. People are always battleing, and often to old school hip hop. Some of the breakers are horrible, but some are unreal. I've busted out a few moves myself, and always strategically plan that on nights when there are not better breakers than me. The Bad: Despite very great factors that contribute to me loving this club, there are other things that just get to me. If you are sensitive to smoke in any way shape or form, stay away from this club. The ventalation is really poor, and as the night goes on and more people pack into the club there will be enough smoke to make your eyes burn. I'm sure it doesn't help that they have the cigarette promoters givin away free packs of cigarettes right as you come in. The music has also changed a lot. Where they used to play more things similar to Electro-punk, they now play either eighties music or mainstream rock. They still have some great music, but you just have to be aware of what night you go on. The thing that bothers me is that I see more and more of it. I'm sure though that it has to do with the changing crowd of the area. Where once there were rocker kids as far as the eye could see, now they are slowly being replaced with preps and yuppies. So just be aware that this is a club in evolution. All in all though, great club. I miss it being up here in NYC, and I hope when I visit again it hasn't gone through too many changes again.
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