by Oswaldo Behne on With a staunch, well-documented history of heterosexuality behind me, I feel proud to say that I am a huge fan of Tavern on Camac. I'll never forget my first foray into this intense world of mirrored dance floors, Britney remixes, unisex bathrooms, pint glasses of Red Bull Vodka, and dudes. It was an eye-opening experience. Most straight guys are missing the point when it comes to gay bars. They tend to fixate on the superficial, while totally missing out on some real opportunities to rock. Get over yourself. You have got to get up to get down. It's a simple mathematic equation. There are TWO fundamental rules that all straight men must abide by whilst visiting the Tavern in order to fully maximize their experience: 1) Don't be afraid. You will get hit on, that much is guaranteed. The quarters are tight and there's nowhere to hide. In fact, although it may seem counterintuitive, the straighter you act, the more suitors you will attract. I suppose you're viewed as a challenge, a latent ball of homosexuality just begging for a special boy to bring it to the surface. While we all know this isn't true, you should take advantage of this false belief. Instead of being offended when a tiny little man in a tight v-neck tee, True Religion jeans, an out of season tan, and an impeccable complexion approaches you to talk about football, embrace the opportunity. Live in the moment. Accept the drink that he has offered to buy you. If you can simply maintain conversation, that one drink may turn into two drinks which may turn into three drinks...all for free. Think straight dudes. How many dollars have you spent in your life buying drinks for girls at bars? How significant of a return on investment have you seen from those dollars? Generally speaking, I'd be willing to bet it's pretty low. So why not recoup some of those sunk costs? Why not get yours? Shed your antiquated inhibitions. It's your turn to feel pretty. It's your turn to feel special. It's your turn to feel wanted...sigh! At Tavern on Camac, for once in my life, I could keep my wallet in my pocket, sit back, and enjoy an evening of lively chatter and free booze. Take...Ad...Vantage. 2) Keep your head on a swivel. While it's fun to get free drinks, it gets a little old as the night draws closer to last call. At some point, you will have had your fill of dudes night out. And herein lies the magic of the gay club - a secret fact of life that most of my straight friends are hesitant to believe, but are quick to embrace once they bear witness to this amazing phenomenon. In Philadelphia, gay bars are the best place to pick up chicks. Now wait wait wait. Take it easy over there. Allow me to explain. Every weekend, girls get together with their pack and head out looking for fun. Invariably, they end up at the same old bars getting hit on by same old guys. It's gets tiresome. They need a change of pace. So what do they do? They call their gay friend and they set up the classic - GIRLS NIGHT OUT! "'s going to be great. We'll hit the gay bar and dance the night away without having to fear the shady, straight guy, back-end, sneak attack on the dance floor!" They get all dolled up, they meet up with their gay friend, and do just as they planned. No straight guys, just girls and gays having fun. They are easy to spot, dancing in a herd in a circle around their one gay buddy. That is until midnight hits. They've had some drinks, they're starting to feel good, and all of a sudden, they realize, they might actually want to meet a nice guy. You can literally see this switch flip in their brain as they start to frantically scan the dance floor for anything even slightly resembling a straight man. Well, when that happens, if you're the only straight guy in the gay bar, you start to look pretty damn good. You have no competition at all. You could be the biggest loser on the face of the planet, but if you're in the right place at the right time, you could be getting your swerve on. It's a good thing to be a big fish in a small pond. Furthermore, it's such a liberating feeling to be able to meet the young ladies without any interference from spiky haired dorks in their t-shirt and blazer combo ala Ryan Seacrest circa 2K5. The fact is, you can't compete with these tools because they have no sense of shame, so why even try? Go gay bar and avoid the competition all together! Most guys don't realize this aspect of the Tavern. They shy away for no good reason at all. As a result, they are seriously missing out. To all my straight men out there, get on over to Tavern, drink for free, and meet some chicks. Doesn't get any more hetero than that. My only word of warning would be to avoid feeding the bears on the first floor. They're an aggressive bunch and often known for their frugality. No free drinks here. Just lots of burly man hugs.
by Shon Gores on My friends and I came here for a dinner on a Saturday, party of 7. They did not take reservations, and as we found out, also were very strict in not seating 5 out of 7 people in our party. I understand that they have a policy in not seating incomplete parties, but they were quite rude to us in the process. They also had a number of open tables unused. They reluctantly sat us when we had 6 people there. Now for the food. The pizza was great, crust was light and crispy. The mozzarella cheese was amazing. We ordered a veal dish, and a baked ziti with spicy sausage and peppers. The veal had little taste, but the ziti was good. The servers seemed very busy the whole time, and barely able to keep up. We wanted to add a salad in the middle of our meal, and we had to wait 8-10 mins before our server even came into sight. All in all, the food was decent, but the service lacking. Would go there again occasionally, or for takeout...
by Jenny C. on I'm a fan this place has been around forever !!! its surprising since Miami is such a transit area I've been here for so many parties!! my 21st my 23rd bdays Halloween the place is packed with beautiful people men and women alike i always end up on the speakers next to the tables dancing the night away with tons of people you don't even know but by the end of the night your BFF's with the table service is good like any club i think you have to wait a few min for a drink they have good bar service different muzik in all rooms they have a few floors to party on and a stage for the guest dj's or who ever is throwing a party (slip n slide) records throw a bunch of them there def check out the headliners at there website to see what kinds of events are going onn if your not picky like my self and don't mind a crazy crowd, the last time i went i was partying with rick Ross and his click meaning an entire gangster party !!it was good clean fun though Mansion is the SHIT..... and hats off to them for still lasting in SOBE!!!