Overtime Bar
121 South Main Avenue
Rugby, ND 58368
Pierce County
Phone: (701) 776-2855
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Filiberto Bakr on
I like this place because there is never a cover, the dark lighting makes everyone look decent, and as the night goes on with a yummy assortment of champagne, people look better and better!  Haha! Ok, not always.  The crowd is a hit or miss.  Sometimes there seems to be a er..theme? to the crowd, especially downstairs where they play  more hiphop/top40s/80's-90's hits.  I've gotten stuck near steamy armpits more times than I've been happy about in the downstairs cave.  What's nice is that if you're stuck somewhere in the middle of the sweaty hell, you can just hurry and make your excape to either side of the room because both lead back upstairs.  There's a small back (?) area to downstairs where you can get some air also. Anyway, I like the upstairs better.  I don't mind electronic loungey music and there is more oxygen.
by Franklyn Schwark on
I've only had a few years of legal drinking notched into my belt, so when it comes to bars I don't really know how legitimate my swing is.... but thank god for Rateclub! A place where my favorite bar from back home (Boston) can get a one star review from at 19 year old who's never even fucking been there (well unless she's A. packing a fake or B. fucking the bouncer... I'm going with B!) When I consider that, then maybe I do have some pull when speaking about Vertigo. This place would easily get a lower score from me if I didn't come here at least once every week. I run a pub crawl every Thursday and by 12am I usually have a group of 30+ people, on Polk street, drunk and ready to dance. Vertigo seems to be the only place in the area that can accommodate and I'm very thankful for it. Their staff is probably the nicest group I've ever seen working at a bar. Heather (who usually works the Thursdays I go in) does a great job of handling 30 to 40 people by herself (sometimes a bar-back is around to help) without freaking out. Their security: Will, Jose, Angelo and Tony (Also works as the resident DJ) are beyond friendly and Steph and Steve (who usually work weekends) are also beyond great. I've met Kenny Plenty of times and he's seems like one of the best people you could ever work for. Too bad I've never talked to Derek in the 2 years of me coming here. We might have met once or twice, but not a meeting of substance. Now for the past 274 ish words I've painted a picture of a wonderful bar from heaven, where drinks are made of sunshine and happiness and all your dreams come true while you sit on a cloud and get fed grapes by beautiful women... too bad this isn't really the case. This place is a douche bag magnet. When I first started coming here I didn't understand why on friday and Saturday nights they needed 3 people working security... now I do. Sure it's packed both nights but if you're sober enough to look around for a second, you'll notice quite quickly that girls are scarce. I feel bad for the girls that come here some nights. They just want to get some drinks with some friends, dance and have a good time... Instead they get surrounded by assholes who don't understand the word no and are playing "who's got the bigger cock" with every other guy around them. So, if you couldn't tell, the 4 stars do NOT go to the patrons at all. They go to the staff, the bar itself (awesome smoking area, dance floor, DJ) and the owners for keeping this place almost always free of cover and for dealing with me and a bunch of drunk Europeans for the past two years. If like me you don't really care about an almost overwhelming amount of assholes... cock attacking the girls that you're with... then vertigo is definitely a place for you. Oh PS- Their music is either Hit or Miss. I'd say 70%-30%.
by Jerilyn M. on
security is power trippin.... we were on the djs guestlist cuz it was his birthday, and we still had to pay $10, my brother gave the guy a $20 and my brother was asking for his change, but the guys said no u gave a $10... rip off the drinks are super expensive... it gets really hot, you will sweat by just breathing.  The washington apples were good tho...
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