641 Indian Street
Savannah, GA 31401
Chatham County
Phone: (912) 236-6669
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Don B. on
Is this a club, or is this brunch? Is this brunch, or are we up in da club? Both. All six, actually, is what you'll be thinking when your surreal surroundings and bottomless mimosas grab a hold of your consciousness and send it into a flat spin. In fact, just crossing the threshold of this shit-show will turn your day sideways. Is that a bouncer at the door applying wristbands? Are those 4 clubbed up, stunna-shades-clad drunk girls freaking in the waiting area? Did I just see people making out in the LINE for the bathroom? Yup. At brunch. Is there a live DJ pumping bangin' beats ranging from club crunk to epic trance? Do I have to yell into the ear of the person sitting next to me just so they can hear what I'm saying? Did that entire table get a round of shots? Yup. At Brunch. If you've been anywhere in the vicinity of this madness, you'll know what I'm talking about. If you've never been, my guess is that you suspect I'm exaggerating. Well you'd be wrong to think so, and I'll punctuate that by saying that, from what I've heard, I was there on a pretty mellow day. Point of interest - a coworker may or may not have seen 2 people having sex in the bathroom line. At brunch. Or as we would yell out in unison after all too many knowing "yeah, I just saw that too" glances: "BRUUUUUUUUUNCH!" Everyone knows that the club-goer's worst enemy is sunlight. Lime is quickly erasing that paradigm. Toss on a pair of stunners and toss back a few bottomless mimosas, and any time is crunk time. At brunch, especially.
by Maury C. on
This was a good place if you were feeling hip hop one minute, or latin music the next, and even house or 80's music because of all the different rooms.  I went recently and everything has been rearranged.   It didn't have that same feel like back in the days, maybe like another reviewer said I am much older but the crowd is still pretty young.  Its still super expensive to get in unless you print out passes on their website and get their by ten.  Drinks are still expensive but they were always strong.  You still bump into the snobby chicks and the dirty ones, which ever is your pick.
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