by Karyna K. on From the moment I stepped up to Bowlmor for a friend's birthday, a series of 'firsts' happened which had me constantly looking up towards the sky for the lightbulb, trying to decipher it all. First of all there was a roped off area with a bouncer and hostess, and I had to look at the sign again to make sure I was at the right place. At this point I was confused - very confused. I remember going bowling when I was underage so wasn't sure what the bouncer was for. He pulled the rope and let me through. I walked up to girl behind the counter who looked like she was about to hit me with a cover charge. Ummmm...again...isn't this a bowling alley? I told her I was here for a birthday and she pointed to the elevator which I was supposed to take to level 3. At this point I was curious as to what the other levels entailed....and due to the high security to get into this joint, could only think of girls dancing around poles. Unfortunately the lift man wouldn't do a pit stop at each floor for me to take a peep. Once inside the place was dark, lit up with neon lights and Kiss' "you shook me all night long" was blaring through the speakers. The event planner came to greet us all which again was quite bizarre. I remember as a kid rocking up to the bowling alley, grabbing the clown shoes, some greasy food and knocking down the pins. We had an open bar and a waitress who was very attentive, and then my brain quickly scrambled back to the moment I got out of the cab, and it finally realized why there was a bouncer ready to ID me. Apart from the booze, the food was actually quite good - very well presented on platters brought straight to where you're bowling. The alcohol is served in real glasses and not the plastic crap. Can I just say - this would NEVER and I mean never happen back in my homeland Australia. There is no way they would let Australians drink alcohol and bowl - especially in real glasses. There would be bowling balls thrown across 20 lanes just for a laugh, alcohol spilled on the floor just to see how sticky it can get, and glass shattered everywhere from drunk hand syndrome. Yes we are a sophisticated bunch when alcohol is soaring through the veins. Throughout the night the music didn't change from 70's & 80's rock which although was right up my alley, I'm sure others would have liked a variation. Once leaving, there was a chaotic line which stretched a long way down the street. Didn't realize bowling these days now warranted a 2 hour wait in the street in hope that the bouncer lets you in. I must be getting old ***sigh***
by Serrano L. on Honestly this club is going to be hard to beat! This is seriously one of the hottest clubs right now in Hollywood aside from Play House and My House... I went to the "Friends & Family" invite and it was bananas! Waited at the W's lounge area since 830 and it was already croweded.... Its actually good that they hired guys from Vegas to run the door but still even that night was just a mess! I really hope to do something about that line because people were jumping up top where the plants were and just ruining shit and impatient people pushing and shoving wasnt helping either... Staff: Combination of Vegas and Cali but the staff is very nice just a bit hard just cuz of all the commotion out front and everyone trying to charge the front door. Very good looking hired people so thats always a plus! Venue: Very very well designed, its a combination of Drai's Afterhours with alot more lights so you can actually see, Cabanas just like th M Resort in Vegas and a small pool size like TAO Beach on the outside area. I love the set up even though its one long rectangle once you walk in there! Crowd: The crowd was very eye pleasing, nothing but gorgeous woman and im sure most that night were just from vegas because I ran into a handle of them and their personal friends... but i must say it was an A++ crowd! Lots of celebrities that night and since them i've been told theres always celebrities there and can be easily spotted for all you CELEBRITY Groupies! haha... Location: Cant be better than one of the newest hotels on the Hollywood Strip at the W's Hotel! You can easily Valet as long as you get there early! Guestlist/Bottle Service: Very hard to get on unless you obviously have a high Girl/Guy Ratio. Bottle Service will run you at $395/3 heads starting there and they only have i believe about 65 tables to fill... so be sure you roll with many HOT GIRLS or have $$ or else wait 3 years later to try and get in OVERALL RATING = A++ for me